Ich bin wahrlich nicht der größte Weezy F. Baby-Fan, aber das scheint echt ne krasse Doku zu sein. Hat beim Sundance Film Festival anscheinend größtenteils positive Reviews gekriegt. Kommt nächste Woche in Amerika auf DVD raus, dann kann man bestimmt irgendwo nen Rip auftreiben.
Hier ein Promotext:
The Carter is “an in-depth look at the artist Dwayne LIL’ WAYNE Carter Jr, proclaimed by many as the ‘greatest rapper alive.’ With comprehensive and personal interviews with Lil’ Wayne, this film also features insight from those that know him best. The world will finally get to know the history surrounding one of the most prolific artists of this generation.” Directed by Adam Bhala Lough, the DVD drops November 17, 2009. Available for pre-order at Amazon.
Und die erste Amazon-Review:
I had the unique chance to preview this movie and it definitely lives up to the great reviews that it received at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. The movie gives the audience a very revealing look one of the most prolific artists in today’s music industry. His internal struggles are obvious as he deals with his obsession of creating music and his addiction to his curious liquid portion. Many times he seems oblivious to the outside world, spending most of his waking hours on his tour bus or in the studio. We get glimpses of his engaging personality; he is funny, honest, thoughtful, but short tempered and ornery at times. He has claimed that he is a gangster, but then we are introduced to his daughter, full of life, love and enthusiasm. She gives us a poignant view of Wayne as a father and when asked what her best birthday present would be, with no hesitation, she says being with her daddy. For Lil Wayne fans, this is a must see movie; a once in a lifetime view (since he is headed for prison) of a conflicted superstar that has one focus in life, making music.
Und natürlich der offizielle Trailer
Fick die Henne, ist das behindert mit dieser scheiss Einbetterei!